That was my last excuse blown out of the water as to why he couldnt drive it at the mo. Truth be told, despite being a "professional driver" I have a sneaky feeling that the big fella is going to do something daft and stack it before we even get to Dover.
That said, I agreed that he could have a go and he is very impressed. Well, he was after we dried the seats out (yet again) and thumped down the A3 to a place called Portsdown Hill. Many of you will recognise the name of the hill and be smirking, many of you wont.
For the benefit of those unaware of Portsdown Hill, it is an area of outstanding beauty where you can park your car, look accross Portsmouth city and to the sea. The views are amazing. However. Should you park in that car park of an evening you will get all manner of people next to you breaking their suspension and tapping on your windows panting heavily. Yes, Portsdown Hill is apparantly a massive Dogging site. If you are unsure what a dogging site is, then google it and take the parental control off your search provider.
The result of us getting to Portsdown is the following:
Above is the creature known as Gruff. Gareth "Gruff" "Not Stig" Davies in all his glory.
Above is me: Chris "can't I just stand here and look good all day" Savage
Above - Gareth discovering that his 18Stone frame needs the seat back a little further than I had it.
Success - he fits.
Have you ever seen a man grin like that with the word "floppy" so visible. This picture should be an add for impotence treatments.
So that was a result - beautiful sunny day deserved to go with the top off. I did try to pop back later for some "arty moon shots" (pervy ones), but the wife said no.
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure we must have driven over some nipple clamps or similar on the way out as Gruff drove us back and started moaning the steering was a bit heavy. Seemed fine to me on the way down, but I took it to the local BP and attached it to their tyre pressure thing and it was reading at only 17PSI which is flat. Or nearly flat anyway.
The sound system really does kick ass although it does take a very large % of the available boot space and where the sub and amp are, is the access point to the spare wheel. At the moment, the spare wheel is just laying loose taking up the rest of the boot space. I am hoping to get round to the chest build shortly.
Nothing really notable has occured apart from a moan I had with an eBay seller about feedback I left them. I left neutral feedback about the speaker pods as their 48 hr delivery took 15 days, but the product was perfect. They had the cheek to mail me and asked I change the feedback left as they had 100% positive. I may have been tempted but they offered me a £2.50 bribe. Either dont offer a bribe at all or make it worth having. So I changed my feedback from Neutral, to Negative, on the form eBay sent me. (and kept the £2.50 thank you very much).
I know we have at least one other team following this blog and that is Midlife Krysis. They left a comment in the box under my last post but if you're too lazy to scroll and click, then here it is:
Guy's, you're doing great.... really.
We haven't even set up the Justgiving site yet, and the car is still sat in my wingman's yard not even mot'd or taxed.
Your enthusiasm is infectious, and I am going to book an mot tomorrow! How many weeks to go?
All the best, Ian - Mid Life Krysis.
Appreciate it guys. Glad we're giving you the needed kick up the ass.
I'm pretty sure that team bugsplat have read this as well, so hello guys and here's a link to their blog:
If you have a glance at our just giving page you will see that we're not all take take take, both myself and Gareth have thrown an extra £20 each into the kitty. Thats on top of buying the car, entry fees, fuel costs, ferry prices, car upkeep, MOT, Tax, insurance etc....
So please, pretty please, pretty please with doggers nipple clamps on top, donate £2 NOW!
Classic. Hopefully unlike my car yours will make the grade!.....found out mine's not only's also on a 5yr old recall!