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Saturday, 22 January 2011

From Gruff:

Hi everyone Gruff again, well as I am sat on the channel tunnel heading for deepest darkest Belgium I thought I would bore you all by having to read more of my ramblings so here goes....

Well not long now till the date of the epic adventure and I am really looking forward to the off, we took the car up for a photo shoot last week and I was very impressed by Savage aka David Bailey and it was great he got my best bits ie my bum trying to get into the dam car lol,
I drove the car back to Savages house in the wind with the roof down and it felt great even though the wind messed up my hair lol, oh and I stalled it twice, and yes I drive a truck for a living and stalled the flipping car !!!.
I know my ramblings are not quite up to Savages standards but he hasn't hassled me into writing this one so if there are any spelling mistakes then I do apologise..
I know that during this time of economic problems money is quite tight but just spare a few quid for the children who won't live to see us come out of these struggling financial times, we have a future these kids don't...
Anyway people I've taken up quite enough of your time so I bid you all a fond farewell and I look forward to seeing all your donations for this very very worthwhile cause,


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