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Friday, 18 March 2011

Gruff's March words of wisdom

I've let Gruff get literary as he is bored and he's having another go at doing the blog.  This is only a brief interim entry and normal Tuesday update will be coming (on Tuesday ish) with loads of pics as got the camera and phone working with the laptop again.

Before I pass this over to him, I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to DodoJuice again for donating their car care package for us to raffle off in aid of Dreams Come True.  Every £2 donation we receive via the justgiving site gains the donor a raffle ticket.  so a £10 donation for example is 5 chances. 

Whilst in thanking mode, I met up with Ed @ Scumrun today, and he has rattled out a batch of graphics, steered me in the right direction in terms of placements required and generally amused me for 30 minutes or so of my life.  Nice guy Eddie - hmmm sounds familiar.

Over to the Gruff:

Hey all Gruff again....

Well as it's been a while since my last masterpiece I thought it was about time I donned my writing cap and sculptured another piece of literary genius.

Well not long left to go until the scumrun and let it be known I am really starting to look forward to the adventure, 4 days in a car with Savage is going to be once in a lifetime event (well until next year at least).

We took the car out for a spin this afternoon as I have not driven it since the new exhaust was put on and there is a definite difference in noise to the old girl.... The sound system is out of this world but we are undecided on the first tune to play as we leave the ferry in Calais, I did mention barbie girl by aqua but savage wasn't too impressed with the idea....

All in all I am very impressed in all the man hours mr Savage has put into polishing the car with DODO juice car cleaning stuff, well worth the money in my opinion lol...


In all honesty I could bitch about the bloody awful relentless sticky things he put on the wing mirrors without even asking me, who actually drinks the stuff as it tastes like rat wee, it's beyond me lol but in all honesty mr Savage over the last few months has put his heart and soul into getting the car up to scratch, finding the sponsors and pretty much doing everything else involved in the rally even though technically it's not a rally as far as the insurance companies are concerned lol.

Anyway people that's enough from me so please please give some money for this charity as it's such a well worth charity...

Take care


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