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Monday, 6 September 2010

Floppy Throttle 5

Well, been a couple of days since the last update with not a lot to show for that time.  Well almost nothing to be fair.

The last entry left off with a hopeful tone about whether I could blag some outfits for this event, unfortunately, the answer was a curt no.  I need to brush up on my people skills I think. 

I've emailed another group of local companies with the ususal think of the kids / advertising / tax break stuff and out of about 20 or so approaches I have received 1 reply.

However, that one reply wasnt a no.  It wasn't a yes either to be fair, it was a "I'm tempted, sway me" sort of reply.  I'm not naming the company just yet but I really really really want their name on my car as they have the coolest sounding company I have ever heard of and it'll go so well with the car. 

I've mailed them back with a list of what donations will secure what and where so hopefully they'll get back to me in next couple of days and throw their budget at me.

What else has happened?  well...  Having gone through the requirements needed for the rally, I've stocked up on essentials.  eBay is really useful at times, not just for buying artistic snaps of peoples ex-girlfriends I'm now discovering.

We've got on order a fire-extinguisher, so thats handy.  A medical first aid kit with enough stuff so that should I feel the need, I can remove Gruff's spleen whilst he sleeps and put it on eBay (told you it was useful).  The tent should be turning up real soon, and I've just ordered the windscreen header with the coolest ferrrari font in purple declaring us to be "Team Floppy Throttle".

I'm waiting for a tailor to get back to me about our outfits and zebra leather shoes (yep), so got to see if we can fit that in the budget and we've also now got cupholders for the escort.

A cage for the stereo is in, and I've had a look at the wires coming from the car, and the wires from the stereo and colour coding is all well and good if the colours are the same.  But they're not.  I had a look on http://www.escortcabrioletclub.co.uk/ and someone else had had similar probs with the cab, but left a detailed photo solution so as soon as we get the alarm problem fixed (I think it may be an alternator gone knackered as the battery was fully charged when we got the car), I can start with electrickery.  Time to buy a few spare fuses.

I had a look at the wife's uncles tent - a 3 man job - and the size when packed isnt tiny.  I will check dimensions when ours turns up, but I think if we take it then the back seat is going to have to go to make room for the tent.

I bought half a dozen packs of biscuits too, I want to get in training and I've demolished those real quick.  Top tip - if you are unsure what biscuits to buy - chocolate fudge crunch's rock.

If you're reading this and you're on facebook, please join the group as we need the support http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=150459571650020

Could do with some contributors on discussions tab etc, as it just seems to be me and the cat on there and I think thats just a tad weird.

It's bodywork is now uptogether and shiny, dont you want to put YOUR message, photo, picture, web address, wedding proposal, hate mail, logo, face somewhere, anywhere on her lithe 16 year old curves?

Just so that Julian doesnt get jealous of my new love for Juliette, heres a picture of him parked really badly (on the third attempt!) by the wife:

Nearly straight, nowhere near the curb though and a fair distance from the corsa next to it.  Never mind love, you'll get there.  Just for info she passed her test only 2 weeks ago and is doing great.  This is the only real opportunity I've had to mock her.  Love you sweetie. x


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